AXM-E7011 - Digital Fabrication Studio, Lecture, 26.4.2023-9.6.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 09.06.2023 Etsi kursseja: AXM-E7011
Osion kuvaus
This week you have to gain a basic understanding about licensing and copyright. You should update your documentation page with a copyright notice and prepare for final project presentation.
Wed 24 May, 16:00 (online, global)
Invention, IP and Income by prof. Neil Gershenfeld (online, global).Thu 25 May, 13:15 (online, hybrid)
Introduction to Invention, IP and Income at the Aalto Fablab (hybrid, local)-
Assignment 19: Invention, IP and Income Tehtävä
Follow the steps below to complete your assignment.
- Describe what you plan to do with your final project in the future.
- Explore and compare 3 different open source licences.
- Add copyright notice to your documentation website with a licence of your choice.
- Prepare a 1 minute long video presenting your final project (1080p, 25fps, mp4, <10MB) and add it to your final project page as well as the root of your website.
- Prepare a 1920x1080 px slide representing your final project and add it to your final project page as well as the root of your website.
- Submit a link to your assignment page here.
This assignment will be graded in the scale from 0 - 5.