Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to the course!

    Course overview

    The Service Design for Interior Architects course (6 cr) provides an introduction to service design methods in the context of spatial design and interior architecture. We study the reciprocal relationship between space and services, learn basic service design methods and rehearse the application of the methods in interior architecture. The course has two elements: theory and method part that builds the knowledge base through lectures, reading tasks and weekly assignments, and design part where the methods are applied into a design project. The course is suitable to master's students from any area of design or architecture. However, 3D modelling skills and at least basic spatial design skills are required.

    Study themes
    • Introduction to service design
    • Designing spatial and service systems
    • Data driven spatial design
    • Spatial and service concepts


    The design project is related to sustainable food system. More information at course start.

    • Workload: 30 h contact teaching + 132 h independent and group work.
    • The course starts on Fri 9th Sept and ends on Fri 14th Oct, 2022.
    • Teaching hours are Fridays at 9:15–15 (not always the whole day).
    • The detailed schedule can be found in MyCourses > Schedule.
    • The first session (9 Sept) is done online – note that it includes a group meeting.
    • Other sessions (from 16 Sept) are in Väre, Otaniementie 14, room Q201.

    Teacher in charge
    Antti Pirinen
    , University Lecturer, Spatial and Service Design
    Aalto University, ARTS, Dept. of Architecture
    +358-40-5300828, antti.pirinen@aalto.fi
