Topic outline

  • The on-line exam on Wed 07.06.2023 consists of four (4) problems published  at 13:00. Returning a solution is possible before the deadline 17:00. The exam problems are given as separate assignments to be solved and returned in the same manner as the  assignments of the course.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Problem 1 Assignment

      Published (pdf, docx) at 13:00. Dead-line 17:00.

      (1) You may use the material of the homepage, symbolic calculator, Mathematica etc.

      (2) You are supposed to solve the problem by yourself

      In case of technical problems, email

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Problem 2 Assignment

      Published (pdf, docx) at 13:00. Dead-line 17:00.

      (1) You may use the material of the homepage, symbolic calculator, Mathematica etc.

      (2) You are supposed to solve the problem by yourself

      In case of technical problems, email

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Problem 3 Assignment

      Published (pdf, docx) at 13:00. Dead-line 17:00.

      (1) You may use the material of the homepage, symbolic calculator, Mathematica etc.

      (2) You are supposed to solve the problem by yourself

      In case of technical problems, email

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Assignment icon
      Problem 4 Assignment

      Published (pdf, docx) at 13:00. Dead-line 17:00.

      (1) You may use the material of the homepage, symbolic calculator, Mathematica etc.

      (2) You are supposed to solve the problem by yourself

      In case of technical problems, email