
  • General

    Teaching in period II in Autumn 2022:

    • Mon 14:15-16:00 lecture K150/Online
    • Wed 14:15-16:00 lecture K150/Online
    Tutoring sessions for calculation assignments:
    • Tue 1.11. 12:15-14:00 Online (or K150 tbc)
    • Tue 15.11 12:15-14:00 Online (or K150 tbc)
    • Tue 29.11. 12:15-14:00 Online (or K150 tbc).
    Teaching in period III in Winter 2023:
    • Mon 14:15-16:00 lecture K150/Online
    Tutoring sessions for calculation assignments:
    • Thu 12.1. 8:15-10:00 Online (or K150 tbc)
    • Thu 26.1. 8:15-10:00 Online (or K150 tbc)

    Join the course team for access to online live events, see Teams link

    • Tillgänglig om: You are a(n) Studerande
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