AAE-E3070 - Electrical Energy Storage Systems D, Lecture, 10.1.2023-28.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 28.02.2023 Search Courses: AAE-E3070
Topic outline
From this section you can find the contact session material flash talk/industrial videos and their slides.
Industrial talk: Miikka Jokinen Wärtsilä Page
Industrial Talk: Kirsi Jalkanen - Akkurate Page
Industrial Talk: Teemu Paakkunainen - Merus Power Page
Evaluating sustainability of Energy Systems File MP4
The representation of energy components materials aim to:
- introduce the effort/flow representation as a communication tool for multidisciplinary engineers
- apply this representation to common energy conversion devices
- describe the main reversible electric components for transforming and adapting electrical energy
- represent a multi-port/multi-phase electrical device into an equivalent two ports electrical system
- introduce the effort/flow representation as a communication tool for multidisciplinary engineers
Flash Talk/Contact session slides Folder
Week 1: introducing the basic concept of electrical engineering needed for designing electrical energy storage systems
NB: that the power period is not 100 ms as mentioned in the video but 10 ms -
Large scale stationary energy storage File MP4
Flash talk Session 3 Energy Storage File PDF