ECON-C2110 - Intermediate Microeconomics I, Lecture, 7.9.2022-18.10.2022
This course space end date is set to 18.10.2022 Search Courses: ECON-C2110
External links to additional optional material for the interested.
Lisälukemista / Recommended reading
Lisäkatseltavaa / Recommended viewing
This Mathematica notebook shows examples of how I make (most) graphs for the Intermediate Microeconomics class. MyCourses does not recognize .nb-files; if you have trouble saving this file to your computer, download it as a zip-file instead (see below).
Aalto students can install Mathematica by following the instructions here:
This zip-file contains a Mathematica notebook with examples of how I make (most) graphs for the Intermediate Microeconomics class. Unzip it on a computer that has Mathematica installed.
Aalto students can install Mathematica by following the instructions here: