Osion kuvaus

  • Welcome to Sustainable Fashion and Textile Design 2022!

    The course begins on Tuesday 6.9 at 9:15 at lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Undergraduate Center

    The lecture sessions of this course are Tuesdays 09:15-16:30 on campus at lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Undergraduate Center and Thursdays 09:15- 16:30 online via Zoom. 

    Join each Thursday with this link, using the passcode below:


    Meeting ID: 662 1019 9805

    Passcode: 529414 

    We look forward to learning with you!

    teacher in charge: Kirsi Niinimäki kirsi.niinimaki@aalto.fi

    teaching assistant: Aino Korhonen  aino.h.korhonen@aalto.fi 

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      Course content description includes detailed timetable, readings + pre-readings and tasks.