
    • In the Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics (or in short, QFT-in-Coma(p)) course you are going to need some skills in

      • residue calculus (what is an analytical function? what is a pole? what is residue? what horror is analytical continuation?)
      • some programming skills (seeing python-code should not cause further sanity loss)
      • some differential calculus (if "Green" brings to your mind, in addition to skin color, also a function then you are all set!)

      None of the above is critical, but lacking more than one may cause excessive pain.

      In physics we are going to assume good practical skills with

      • electromagnetism (there is E, there is B, but what on earth is A and \phi? Do you recognize the terms Neumann function, Bessel function, Laplacian, Chthonian?)
      • basic quantum mechanics (particle-hole duality, double slit experiment, wavefunctions and all the required techniques for solving the time-evolution of a single particle)
      • second quantization
      • problems posed by identical particles; bosons, fermions
      • some statistical physics: partition function, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, Fermi-Dirac distribution, Bose-Einstein distribution

      Almost all of the above are critical, but in practice are covered to sufficient level by the three quantum mechanics courses (Kvanttimekaniikka, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, and Many-body Quantum Mechanics), second year electromagnetism course (sähkömagneettisen kenttäteorian perusteet), and statistical physics course (termodynamiikka ja statistinen fysiikka). The course topics are also timed such that students doing Many-body Quantum Mechanics course this spring will be able to join QFT for Condensed Matter Physics course at the same time (mainly that second quantization is not required before it is encountered in Many-body Quantum Mechanics course).

    • Before first lecture, or at least during the first week, it is strongly recommended that you glance through Chapters 1 (First and Second quantization) and 5 (Time evolution pictures) on Bruus&Flensberg: Many-body quantum field theory in condensed matter physics, or similar (Quantum Physics-course notes should also be sufficient!). You can skip the things that sound familiar, but read the parts that you have forgotten. Also, Appendix A (Fourier transformations) should be fresh in mind.

    • The actual course will consist of three two-hour teaching sessions per week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 14-16). These sessions will consist of lectures, exercises and multiform teaching projects, but the ordering varies in weekly basis and many sessions will actually be combinations of several forms of teaching.

      The course will be closed by Quantum Field Theory Escape Room that will be done in groups.

      No exams, but passing grade requires participating in 70% (i.e. 23 out of 34) of teaching sessions, doing all prelecture assignments (preferably before lectures, but can be done also afterwards), and surviving the escape room (no time limit).

      The course will be graded pass/fail.

      If you cannot participate in some teaching sessions due to conflicts in schedules, then please contact the teacher.

    • Course staff will consist of two lecturers who also take care of exercises and other course events.

      • Jami Kinnunen, Y409, Otakaari 1 (jami.kinnunen@aalto.fi)
      • Sebastiano Peotta, xx, (sebastiano.peotta@aalto.fi)