PHYS-EV0001 - Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics, Lecture, 9.1.2023-6.4.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 06.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: PHYS-EV0001
Osion kuvaus
Sections 11.3 (Self-energy and Dyson's equation) and 11.5 (Examples of how to evaluate Feynman diagrams) in Bruus & Flensberg.
Updated 28.2.2023: fixed the python script. Added Monday's videos and solutions.
Updated 1.3.2023: added a few more python scripts (plots of the Green's function).
Updated 1.3.2023: added Wednesday videos and solutions.
Updated 5.3.2023: added Thursday's videos and solutions.
Nightreading week 7: Hartree and calculating machines Tiedosto PDF
D. R. Hartree, Calculating Machines (1947).