
  • Passing the course requires:

    •Homeworks passed (HW1-7)
    •Labwork report passed
    •Exam OR group project work passed

    Evaluation and contributions to the course grade

    •homework (30 %)
    •labwork report (30%)
    •exam OR project work (40 %)


    •exam (100 %) (in this case the above passing requirements for homework and labwork do not apply) 

    • Fil icon
      Grades based on exam Fil
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Studerande
      • You are a(n) Lärare
    • Fil icon
      Grades by exam 1 or group work Fil
      Tillgänglig om någon av:
      • You are a(n) Lärare
      • You are a(n) Studerande