
  • Allmänt

    Lecture 1: Second quantization, mean-field and spontaneous symmetry breaking
    Lecture 2: Symmetries, reciprocal space, Bloch's theorem
    Lecture 3: Band structure theory, tight binding, nearly free electron and k.p
    Lecture 4: Topological band structure theory
    Lecture 5: Electrons in a magnetic field, quantum Hall effect and Landau Levels
    Lecture 6: Fractionalization in quantum materials: The fractional quantum Hall effect
    Lecture 7: Superconductivity, Nambu representation and Majorana physics
    Lecture 8: Magnetism, magnons, quantum magnetism and spinons
    Lecture 9: From models to materials: density functional theory and tensor network formalism
    Lecture 10: Classical machine learning for quantum materials
    Lecture 11: Quantum computing and quantum machine learning for quantum materials
    Lecture 12: Summary

    Lecture 1: 27.2.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 2: 6.3.2023, 9:00-10:45
    Lecture 3: 13.3.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 4: 20.3.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 5: 27.3.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 6: 3.4.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 7: 24.4.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 8: 2.5.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 9: 8.5.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 10: 15.5.2023, 10:15-12:00
    Lecture 11: 26.5.2023, 8:30-10:15
    Lecture 12: 29.5.2023, 9:00-10:45

    Jose Lado: jose.lado@aalto.fi

    Teaching assistants:
    Pascal Vecsei: pascal.vecsei@aalto.fi
    Lars Peeters: lars.peeters@aalto.fi

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