PHYS-E0463 - Fusion Energy Technology D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-5.4.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 05.04.2023 Etsi kursseja: PHYS-E0463
Osion kuvaus
On January 11th: you do not need to complete any exercises before the first exercise session. We will simply try to get everyone started on the exercises for next week, and answer any questions that arise. You need Matlab for the exercises, so it is recommended to bring a laptop.On January 18 and later:The students will get exercise points by preparing the exercises to be presented at the session. In other words, the problems should be solved before the exercise session. Each exercise is worth one point, and attending the session is required to claim points. The students will present the solutions and the group will discuss them.To get points for the exercises, you do not need to have a perfect solution to the problem. It is okay to simply present how far you were able to get with the problem, and the group will then discuss how to proceed.The exercise sheets can be found on this page at least one week before each session.
If you have any questions about the exercises, you are encouraged to ask for additional help in the MyCourses Q&A. That way, other students who might also be wondering about the same issue can also see your question (preferred over email).
If you for some reason cannot attend the exercise session, you can also send your exercise solutions by email.
Room: Y430a, Otakaari 1