ELEC-E5550 - Statistical Natural Language Processing D, Lecture, 10.1.2023-18.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 18.04.2023 Search Courses: ELEC-E5550
Topic outline
General Schedule
SNLP 2023 is a two-period course (lll + IV)
Lectures end at the end of March.
Home assignment deadlines end mid-April.
The Project Work continues throughout April.
The course has an exam during period lV exam week.Lectures
Tuesday, 12:15-14:00Exercise sessions
Thursday, 14:15-16:00, check classroom in the table belowTime Exercise Place 12.1. Intro Maari C-D 19.1. Text processing Maari B 26.1. N-grams Maari B 2.2. POS tagging Maari B 9.2. VSMs Maari B 16.2. Neural LM Maari B 2.3. Subwords U351 9.3. MT evaluation Maari C-D Home assignments
1 Intro jupyter notebook assignment (6 hw points for everyone who submits)
7 autograded jupyter notebook assignment. You have about two weeks to complete each one
1 forum discussion assignmentProject
Entrance survey
There is a mandatory entrance survey to indicate your intentions and preferences regarding the project work. The deadline to submit the survey is 23 Jan. The survey will become available 05.01.2023, the course participants will be notified.Exam
The best way to contact the course staff outside lectures and exercises sessions is through our course slack.