ELEC-E5510 - Speech Recognition D, Lecture, 26.10.2022-9.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E5510
Topic outline
- Reports (and texts) are to be done individually, you can cooperate on doing the exercises
- Make sure to read the questions in detail and answer to all parts of the question
- Write down all important steps
- Label figures correctly (legend, axis etc.)
- Return a separate PDF file. Use any text processor you like to prepare your submission.
- Return the answers in a single pdf file. Don't scan handwritten text/figures but make everything on the computer.
- Make sure to write your name, your student number and the exercise number in the pdf file
- Upload the answers to MyCourses
- See MyCourses for the submission deadlines
How to remotely connect to a campus Linux desktop (Maari computers) for the exercises:- Connect to a Linux shell server, either Kosh or Lyta: 'ssh YOUR_AALTO_USERNAME@kosh.aalto.fi' OR 'ssh YOUR_AALTO_USERNAME@lyta.aalto.fi' (Please note that the command needs your Aalto username, therefore it is not the same as your email address, meaning the command is not 'ssh firstname.lastname@aalto.fi'.)
- Connect to a computer using 'ssh LINUX_COMPUTER_NAME'. Find the names here. Use the name as is and don't try translating Finnish names into English, because the computers do not recognize translations.
Deadline 2.11. 23:59Exercise sessions:Thursday 27.10. 10:15-12:00Friday 28.10. 14:15-16:00Instructions and exercise files are in the zip attached on the assignment submission page.
Deadline 9.11. 23:59Exercise sessions:
Thursday 3.11. 10:15-12:00
Friday 4.11. 14:15-16:00 -
Deadline 16.11. 23:59Exercise sessions:Thursday 10.11. 10:15-12:00
Friday 11.11. 14:15-16:00
The n-gram part of the assignment can be found here: http://research.spa.aalto.fi/speech/s895150/ex3.html
The neural part instructions and data ( jupyter notebook) of the assignment is attached inside here.
The history seed for FFNN is "a girl".
The history seed for RNN is "<s> a girl".
Return one report for both parts of the assignment. -
Deadline 23.11. 23:59Exercise sessions:
Thursday 17.11. 10:15-12:00
Friday 18.11. 14:15-16:00The assignment can be found here: http://research.spa.aalto.fi/speech/s895150/ex4.html -
Deadline 30.11. 23:59
Exercise sessions:
Thursday 24.11. 10:15-12:00Friday 25.11. 14:15-16:00Instructions and exercise files are in the zip attached on the assignment submission page. You can run the notebook at https://jupyter.cs.aalto.fi (recommended) or on your own computer. On the Jupyter notebook server, you can ignore the warning about NNPack initialization because it will not affect the output.
- Reports (and texts) are to be done individually, you can cooperate on doing the exercises