Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    • Call  for the course is open 1st  Dec 2022-10th Jan 2023 in Oodi.  Students are expected to send also a motivation letter through MyCourses by 10th Jan 2023. Please see instructions below.  Students from diverse backgrounds are highly encouraged to participate. No prerequisites from mathematics or art. The course can be included  as part of Math&Arts Minor in optional studies and it is suitable at every stage of studies from freshmen to PhD and for students in every school of Aalto.   The 15 credit implementation  includes contact teaching through periods III-IV, group work through period V ending to an exhibition at Finnish Science Centre Heureka by the end of period V.   Please note that the courses MS-E1001 and AXM-E0411 are not mandatory for the 2023 implementation.  For future details, please contact Kirsi Peltonen (kirsi 'dot' peltonen 'at' aalto 'dot' fi).

      Lectures :  Tuesdays and Thursdays 3pm -6pm  mostly at  Design Factory Stage (Betonimiehenkuja 5C ) starting from 10th Jan 2023 up to the end of period IV. After that, the building process of the exhibition continues up to the opening at Heureka by the end of period V.

      Responsible teacher:  Kirsi Peltonen (SCI Math)

      Other teachers include: Taneli Luotoniemi (ARTS),  Laura Isoniemi (ARTS),  Markus Holste (ARTS),  Marco Rodriguez (ARTS), Pirjo Kääriäinen (ARTS), Luka Piškorec (ARTS) and Heureka staff.

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      In the attached file you can find the places for lectures during the spring. Please note that there are many unfortunate uncertainties for the premises at the moment, but we will do our best to update this list when/if something is changing. We will also send announcements through MC immediately after we become aware of any changes. These messages will be sent automatically to your email address in the system. Please note that the course staff has no direct access to the reservation info at Sisu or MC 'Upcoming events list' and the current system does not see DF premises at all. Therefore the info there is not up to date.

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      Please attach here your motivation letter by 10th January 2023. The motivation letter is  an A4 in .pdf form. Describe briefly your background, state of studies and main interests. Why are you interested in Crystal Flowers ? Are you ready to work in a multidisciplinary team ? Do you have enough time to include this 15cr course in your schedule for 2023 spring through periods III, IV and V? In case we have to choose between applicants, the main criteria is diversity.  In this situation, please explain, why should we choose you ?

      HUOM  Suomenkielinen opiskelija ! Kirjoita motivaatiokirjeesi mieluusti suomeksi.

      Make sure that you have also signed in Sisu.

      Note: Please submit your Motivation Letter ASAP to ensure your attendance !

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään All students
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      Guidelines for orders Tiedosto PDF
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään All students
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