Osion kuvaus

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      Each group will upload their Norms here. Only one member of each group needs to upload the file.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään All students
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      Independent assignment: HELSINKI GALLERY CRAWL Tiedosto DOCX

      Together as a group, visit all the six galleries listed below.

      Make sure that you go there together, and schedule 3 hours for your excursion.

      Note that all galleries are free of charge, and closed on Mondays!


      Although there is some info on the A4 sheets found in the galleries, encounter the pieces first only visually.


      Think individually about and discuss together following questions:


      – Which pieces did you like, which you didn’t? Why?


      – What kind of atmosphere does each exhibition have, and how does the shape, colour, material, composition, technique, scale, and style of the pieces contribute to it?


      – How are the pieces lit, and how does the lighting affect their appearance?


      – What is the role of the empty space within and around a piece?


      – How do the pieces differ from other visual artefacts, such as handicrafts, illustrations, graphic design, children’s drawings, scientific visualizations, games, furniture, decorations, (mathematical) models, cave paintings, constructions sets, household textiles, toys, clothing, or jewellery.



      Make notes of your thoughts and be prepared to share them verbally at the class on January 24th.

      Have fun!


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      In this task, each student has to search for nine references (3 art, design or architecture; 3 mathematical, geometry/transformations in low-dimensional geometry and topology; and 3 free topics). After, each student has their references; each team have to choose nine final references between all the team members (three from each topic mentioned). The chosen images have to be presented the Thursday 26.01.23 in a power point presentation. Please upload your files by noon Thu 26th Jan. Only one student/group needs to upload the presentation files

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      THREE PRELIMINARIES CONCEPTS (preliminary proposals)


      What is a concept?

      A concept is the main idea behind the piece, is the motor or the main guide that will generate the object. This concept can be generated from an abstract idea, metaphors, geometrical shape by itself, a statement... these ideas will lead in the production of an art piece.


      Each team will have to produce three different concepts for your Transition (ideas), each concept will be including the following:


      a)     Statement (mathematical, structural, aesthetic, (how you approach your idea?), Why? (explanation).

      b)     Implementation > how is it translated into something tangible? > diagrams, sketches, drawings, models?, pictures etc.)

      c)     Possible materiality, samples of materials?


      Good luck.

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      TASK 03


      Deadline 16.03


      What is a concept?


      A concept is the main idea behind the piece, it is the motor or the main guide that will generate the object. This concept can be generated from an abstract idea, a metaphor, a geometrical shape by itself, a statement... these ideas will lead and finish into pieces. In this case, it can be approached from mathematical, structural, or aesthetic aspects.


      This is the most important task; it is the one that will define the direction of your artwork (however you define it). You will have to choose one of the preliminary concepts from Task 02 and develop it. According to the feedback in your presentation 01, your own criteria, and your discussion as a team, you will have to choose one option and start refining, tuning, and developing it; Start analyzing the pros and cons of that proposal; what you can (take) or add or take out? This is the right time that big changes in your idea can be made; what can be modified? That will turn into an expressive and beautiful piece.




      You will have to do a PowerPoint presentation (10 min) with the following content:


      01.-Title of your concept (art piece)

      02.-Development of your concept that includes the following:


      •      Statement

      What is the idea or the story behind your concept? How did you come up with this idea? How was it approached (in a mathematical, structural, or in aesthetic way.)? How does the concept relate to the exhibition and the topics of the course? Use words, sketches, diagrams, drawings, and images/videos to express and explain your concept.


      •      Implementation 

      How is it translated into something tangible, a physical expression? How is it expressed in the exhibition (use diagrams and drawings)? How will your abstract statement turn into a physical installation or object? Use diagrams and sketches/prototypes etc. as a help.


      •      Prototyping (sketch models) 

      Model in any scale as long there is a human scale in the model.


      •      Drawings

      2D (elevations (means, the front or side view of your piece) with human scale) and 3D drawings (perspectives) drawings. These can be made by hand as well (please include general measurements).


      •      Materiality

      Samples of the possible materials to use. Please Note: avoid additional colors, just the natural color of materials.


      03.- Challenges and conclusions (some thoughts from you) in one slide. Share your concerns and feedback of your own work. An important challenge to consider when you design the piece, is that you have to do the set up in 1 to 2 days, so it is one further guideline for your design (how will this affect or modify your idea). How to transport it? How it can be done?


      Tips for your presentation:


      ·       No matter what you present do it in a clear way.

      ·       Practice your presentation at least one time.

      ·       Do a storyboard of your presentation before starting to work. (in that way you will know what you have to produce and you don’t produce extra or less than the expected)

      ·       Start from the general to the particular.

      ·       Agree, talk and communicate in your team.


      Advice. Work as a tree structure. The design, your concept, display solutions, light criteria (what kind of atmosphere you want to create) drawings etc. Work in parallel, multitask.


      Good Luck


      Crystal flowers teaching team



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      Step II Group part


      Goal: compare different strategies to solve the problem in Step 1 and record your discussion (max 10min).

      Instructions for recording the group work:

      ·      Place a smartphone near the table you are working on in such way, that all of you are (at least partly) visible in the picture and your voices can be heard.

      ·      Start recording before your start working on your task.

      ·      Record the whole working process and share the video with your groupmates.

      ·      Upload the video to MyCourses by 21st March.


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      See instructions in the attached file

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      TASK 04


      Deadline 13.4

      Now that you have a concept defined and the idea visualize, the final stage is to bring that concept into a more realistic phase. You must produce working plans and the final definition of your artwork. In the final presentation, you have to show all the changes in your piece according to your decisions, technical suggestions, budget, etc. and make all the changes so it can be made real.


      In the final presentation you will need to present:


      1.   PowerPoint presentation / 10 min each group with the following:


      a)     1.-Title and statement of the piece (Brief description, diagrams, sketches and images)

      a.  Include a short description (2-3 sentences) describing your piece

      b)     2.-Technical drawings (with human scale) (elevations, floor plans, sections), plans that will help you to produce your piece.)

      a.  Technical drawings showing the measurements of your piece

      b. Include relevant detailed drawings of your piece (a crucial module in detail etc.)

      c.  Your piece will be hanged from a frame provided by the exhibition design team -  don’t need to include details of hanging your piece from a truss. Only important points of connection.

      c)     3.-Visualizations or perspectives with human scale

      d)    4.- Model or prototype

      a.  Focus on materials/effects/phenomenons from your piece

      e)     5.-Materiality and technical implementation

      a.  Samples of materials

      b. Plan for production

      f)      6.-Approx. budget


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      Revising Group Norms

      In the beginning of this course, you were asked to write down your Group Norms (guidelines on how you will work as a group). Now that the Exhibition Project is getting closer, please revisit those norms.

      ·      Do you still agree with what you wrote?

      ·      Would you like to add or change something?

      Please spend a moment also thinking about your groups’ goals and values, would you like to elaborate a bit on those?


      Group Roles

      There are some tasks in the Exhibition Project, that need a responsible person from each team, such as finance managing (taking care of budget and purchases). There are also tasks, for which it makes sense to have a person in charge, even if it is not required, such as time keeping or reporting to the course staff.

      Please discuss the Exhibition Project – what kind of responsibilities you can identify and how would you like to assign roles among the group members? What are the responsibilities in each role? Possible roles include Facilitator, Recorder/Reporter, Materials Manager, Team Leader, Timekeeper, Art Director, Technician, Financial Manager, …


      Please upload your Group Roles and your revised Group Norms to MC by 28.3..2023

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään TextileGroup
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      Textile workshop reports Tehtävä

      This box is for participants of Laura's ws. Please return a short description about your process and outcomes including pictures at 1) Tie&Dye WS and 2) DigiPrint 

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      Please upload here your process descriptions in .pdf format to be put behind QR codes of your exhibition piece.