MS-A0211 - Differential and Integral Calculus 2, Lecture, 10.1.2023-20.2.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 20.02.2023 Etsi kursseja: MS-A0211
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Any of the standard calculus textbooks cover most of the material in this course. The traditional textbook for the course is:
Calculus: A complete course, by Adams and Essex (any edition). We cover most of chapters 12 - 14 and small parts of chapters 10 and 11. However, we do not follow this book very closely and there is no need to purchase a copy.
There are also very good open-access textbooks that cover most of the same material:
(1) Vector Calculus, M. Corral.
(2) Calculus: Early Transcendentals by D Guichard and friends.
(3) Active Calculus Multivariable, by S Schlicker, D Austin and M. Boelkins.
Computer material will be shown during the lectures. For that, the mathematical software called Maple will be used.