
  • In this section, I will collect some pointers to interesting(?) reading for students who want to read about probability, but from some different aspect. These are not part of the course.

    • Edwin Jaynes: Probability Theory: The Logic of Science
      A book of >700 pages, but easy reading and some parts really entertaining. Jaynes has a slightly unusual angle of talking about probabilities. One of his nice examples is about whether you can physically have a "biased coin" that results "heads" with a given probability, like 0.7. (Certainly you can have a process that works like this; the question is whether physical "biasing" of a coin is sufficient to cause such behaviour.
    • Many books of Nassim Taleb. For example, Black Swan about common fallacies in estimating small probabilities (very rare events), and Skin in the Game about how people have much more incentive in "correct" estimation of probabilities, if they have their own skin in the game (they are taking the risk themselves).
    • A beautiful demonstration of using Histograms: Exploring Histograms (tinlizzie.org) 
    • 3Blue1Brown (a very nice math-channel in general!) YouTube video about Bayes-theorem .
    • Veritasium YouTube video about "p-hacking"(something to keep in mind about p-values in practice): 
    (More suggestions to come later, perhaps)