
  • Welcome

    Lectures: Milo Orlich <milo.orlich@aalto.fi>

    Head TA: Muhammad Ardiyansyah <muhammad.ardiyansyah@aalto.fi> H03

    TA: Daniel Aaltonen <daniel.aaltonen@aalto.fi> H04

    TA: Jaime Pardo <jaime.pardoherencia@aalto.fi> H06

    TA: Thilini Panagoda Arachchige <thilini.panagodaarachchige@aalto.fi> H05

    TA: Qingxin Yang <qingxin.yang@aalto.fi> H01, H02

    Lectures and exercise sessions

    All lectures will be on campus. There will be two lectures per week. Please note that the Monday lectures and Wednesday lectures are not in the same building.

    There are five exercise groups. Each group has two exercise sessions per week:

    • H01 - Mon (16-18) and Thu (16-18)
    • H02 - Tue (8-10) and Fri (8-10)
    • H03 - Tue (16-18) and Fri (16-18)
    • H04 - Mon (8-10) and Thu (8-10)
    • H05 - Tue (10-12) and Thu (10-12)
    • H06 - Tue (12-14) and Thu (12-14) (on Zoom only)

    Zoom link for H06: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/69326929649?pwd=QTFKL0RvNW8yUlZleEYvYmd4UE91Zz09

    Passcode: 525887

    How to complete the course

    Weekly homework will be given during the course, and there will be an exam at the end of the course. Your final score will be based on homework and exam, or exam alone. The ideal way of completing the course involves active participation in the lectures and exercise sessions. You can also study on your own, but it is usually less fun than meeting people in person. The material can be found hereMore details on the assessment can be found here.

    Q&A Zoom sessions

    Friday 15:00 - 16:00

    Zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64590291962?pwd=UzQ1bWd4aEdoM2VDb2ltdG9mNnVwZz09

    Passcode: 724943

    Zoom link for the lectures


    Additional help: Laskutupa

    Laskutupa is a place where students can get extra help with the homework or difficult concepts from any course. Assistants will always be there, ready to help. You can work alone or with your friends. More info: https://math.aalto.fi/en/studies/laskutupa/

    Outline of the course

    Below are listed the topics covered in the lectures so far, with references to the corresponding sections of the textbook for further reading. The references are given with respect to the 7th edition of the textbook.

    • Week 1: Real numbers, functions and sequences (Sections P.1, P.4--5 and 9.1). Limits. (Sections 1.3--5 and 9.1--2)
    • Week 2: Continuous functions (Section 1.4). Derivatives (Sections 2.1--6 and 4.3--5). How to sketch the graph of a function (Section 4.6).
    • Week 3: Definite and indefinite integrals (Sections 2.10, 5.1--6, 6.1--2 and 6.5).
    • Week 4: More on the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Section 5.5). Taylor polynomials and approximations (Section 4.10).
    • Week 5: More on Taylor polynomials (Section 4.10). Brief mention of Taylor series (Section 9.6). Introduction to differential equations (Sections 2.10 and 7.9).
    • Week 6: More on differential equations (Sections 7.9 and 3.7).  Complex numbers (Appendices 1 and 2). Applications of calculus to geometry (Volumes - Section 7.1) and real world.

    Some of these book sections contain much more than what was covered in the lectures!