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    • File icon
      Här kan ni se vilka formler som kommer finnas på tentamensbladet.
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Vitsord, 19.10.2022 File XLSX

      - 5: 100% - 90%
      - 4: 90% - 80%
      - 3: 80% - 70%
      - 2: 70% - 60%
      - 1: 60% - 50%
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Vitsord, 15.12.2022 File XLSX

      - 5 : 90
      - 4 : 80
      - 3 : 70
      - 2 : 59,5
      - 1 : 50
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      File icon
      Tentamen, 08.06.2023, Resultat File XLSX
      Gränsord för vitsord:
      - 5: 100% - 90%
      - 4: 90% - 80%
      - 3: 80% - 70%
      - 2: 70% - 60%
      - 1: 45% - 60%