
  • General Information

    Welcome slide

    General Information

    This course is organized in a traditional face-to-face mode.


    ·         Wednesdays 10.15-12.00

    ·         Thursdays 10.15-12.00


    ·         Fridays 8:15 – 10:00

    Final exam

    ·         Wednesday, 19 October, 09.00 13:00


    Lectures: Platinium – C104 (Vuorimiehentie 2) click here to see the building on the map

    Exercise: U351 (Otakaari 1, Undergraduate Centre) (computer classroom) click here see the building on the map

    Exam: U351 (Otakaari 1, Undergraduate Centre) (computer classroom)


    Rodrigo Serna Guerrero  rodrigo.serna@aalto.fi

    Anna Klemettinen anna.klemettinen@aalto.fi

    Evaluation rules

    ·         4 Assignments (10% each)

    ·         1 Group presentation (20%)

    ·         Final exam (40%)

    ·         Some exercises in lectures may give extra-points: Participate actively in lectures!

    A minimum of 67% is needed to pass the course… but all assignments and presentation need to be submitted everything to obtain a passing grade.

    The course schedule is presented below.

    Updated schedule