CHEM-E4106 - Electrochemistry D, Lecture, 9.1.2023-21.2.2023
This course space end date is set to 21.04.2023 Search Courses: CHEM-E4106
Electrochemistry is a branch of physical chemistry focusing on phenomena taking place in electrochemical cells. Warning :-)! The course contains some theory as models depicting these phenomena are introduced.
In general, Electrochemistry D gives an introduction to electrochemical systems and their properties. Furthermore, most common electrochemical experimental methods, in theory and in practice, are introduced. It covers chapters 1-8 of our e-book "Electrochemistry". The courses gives a good background for electrochemical systems met in energy storage, metal refinery and bioelectrochemical systems, for example. Grade of the Fundamental Electrochemistry course is based on pre-lecture assignments, homework problems and an exam.
You can further learn experimental electrochemical measurement methods hands on in the "CHEM-E4103 Laboratory Work in Physical Chemistry" course in Period IV. The time slots for carrying out the experimental works are rather flexible. For more information and enquires, you can contact Prof. Lasse Murtomäki.-
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