
  • Contents for Week 4
    •Summary about state functions
    •Size of a system (Ch 5.6)
    •Fundamental equation of thermodynamics
    •Chemical potential (Ch 5.7)
    •Concept of activity
    •General criterion of equilibrium
    •Maxwell’s relation (Ch 5.9)
    •Impact of pressure on properties of substances

    Intended learning outcomes for week 4

    After the lectures of Week 4, it is expected that the student:

    •can derive the differential forms of the thermodynamic functions H, A, and G
    •understands the term ‘chemical potential’ and how it is derived
    •understands the relation between activity, equilibrium constants and gibbs energy of a reaction
    •knows how to interpret the Maxwell relations

    Due to illness, the lecture on Monday will be held online. Link to the lecture is as follows:

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