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  • JOIN-E3200

    Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija

    Welcome to the 2023 edition of the Life Science Technologies project course!

    In this course, students will form groups that are each working on a chosen project from January until May.

    Project registration will be open between January 5 (starting at 8 o'clock) and January 6 here in MyCourses! There is a limited number of students for each project and we will work on a first-come-first-served basis! However, we will retain the right to change the members of specific groups if it is necessary for the realization of the project topic. Note that you can only register for this course if you have been accepted to one of the Life Science Technology majors and you have completed JOIN-E3100 course.

    There will be an opening event on Monday Jan 9 (8:30-9:00, in U1 - U154, Kandidaattikeskus)), where we will go through practicalities (how the course is organized and what is expected of you), followed by breakout sessions with the project instructors (9:00-10:00)

    Then, the groups will have about two weeks to familiarize themselves with the project materials and come up with a preliminary project plan, to be discussed with the instructors (exact time and place to be set with the instructors). After this, groups will meet with supervisors at two-week intervals to discuss their progress; there may be other meetings depending on the project at hand.

    After each meeting with the supervisor, the group should return the minutes of the meeting via MyCourses (a brief 1-page document on what was discussed, what the results are at this stage, and what the next steps are will do).

    Halfway through the course we will organize a get-together session with all groups presenting their intermediate findings (March 8 and 9). At the end of the course (May 8 and 9), final results will again be presented to all other groups.

    Practical information about finalizing the course, grading, about mid-term and final presentations etc. can be found under the materials section.