Osion kuvaus

  • The exercise assignments can be found on the A+ -platform where you sign in using your Aalto-account. You need to receive at least 50% of the points each round to pass the exercise requirements for the course.

    Our course on A+ can also be found through the following link: https://plus.cs.aalto.fi/cs-a1160/2023spring/

    Late submissions can receive 50% of the original points up to the Thursday 18.00 of the same week as the deadline would normally be. See the Weekly Schedule for more details.

    If you have questions about your code you can use code vault. As you are not allowed to share your code in our discussion forum this is a nice way to make your code accessible for the teaching team in a secure way. You can find a link to code vault on the menue item on A+. Here an introduction video how to use it

    For the exercise sessions we will use something called Lab queue to ensure a fair handling of questions in the onsite session. You will also find a link for the lab queue on A+.