CS-E4920 - Portfolio in Software and Service Engineering (V), Lecture, 30.8.2022-10.5.2023
This course space end date is set to 10.05.2023 Search Courses: CS-E4920
Topic outline
Content of module 1
During module 1, we support you in planning your studies in the SSE major. You will analyze what kind of jobs are available for people graduating from the SSE major, and plan your studies to achieve the skills and knowledge needed in the jobs you are particularly interested in. You will also get to know the other new SSE students.
Contact session I is part of the orientation week, before period I starts. Participation is highly recommended.
Contact sessions II-IV are obligatory to pass this module (all absences must approved separately).
Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are obligatory to pass this module.
Contact session I: 30 Aug, 12:15-16:00 @ T3
- Orientation week event for the SSE students
- See the agenda and fill the registration form by 25 Aug
Task 1: Analysis of open job positions: DL 3 Oct, 13:00Contact session II: 4 Oct, 14:15-16 @ T4
- Skills and knowledge team work based on Task 1
SSE students and alumni network: ideation
Task 2: Interview in a company: DL 31 Oct, 13:00Task 3: Official study plan: DL 31 Oct, 13:00
Contact session III: 1 Nov, 14:15-16 @ T4
- Presentations of Task 2 in three parallel sessions
- Experiences from studying SSE and work life, Senior Manager Samuli Hynönen / Unity Technologies
Contact session IV: CANCELLEDTask 4: Visit SSE Coffee Room: DL 24 Nov, 23:59
Task 5: Reflection: DL 24 Nov, 23:59
Mod1-Contact session II Folder
Mod1-Contact session III Folder