Osion kuvaus

  • Introduction

    Becoming an IEM professional is a mandatory orientation course for first-year IEM Master's students. The course is aimed to deepen the discussion of the future IEM professionalism and strengthen the sense of community among the Master's students. Furthermore, the course will support the integration of new Master's students to the Aalto IEM & Prodeko community. The course will provide you with an opportunity to discuss the future career prospects, rethink your study choices in the Master's Programme, meet the faculty, network with others, and build further your personal thinking of your future professional perspectives - what kind of future an IEM professional you aspire to become. 

    The course comprises five three-hour workshops, peer group meetings, and personal essay. The workshop attendance is mandatory. You have to attend at least to four of five workshops. There will be a possibility to substitute the workshop with an additional assignment. However, the workshop participation is highly recommended. Another core element is the peer group meetings which will take place between the workshops. In the meetings you will share and discuss further the insights from the workshops. Finally, in the personal essay you have an opportunity to construct and build further your ideas of your own future IEM professionalism.

    Check the workshop dates and update your calendar. See you in the opening workshop in the 13th of September at 4.15 pm in Otakaari 1 (room U8).