Osion kuvaus

  • Service Operations Management

    The meetings take place on Wednesday mornings, starting at 09:30 in TU1 Saab Auditorium - 1017. The first meeting is on 18.1.

    The Service Operations Management course focuses on the analysis, design and management of services and service systems and the processes supporting sustainable value creation in service operations. For this purpose, the course develops the knowledge and skills needed to manage and develop operations in a world of advanced service. 

    You find the complete course syllabus here (now updated to 2023 version!).

    The course provides the opportunity to learn about the principles of managing service-centric operations across different industries. Through completing this course, the participants will learn...

    • to identify the key opportunities and challenges in service business, and
    • to develop novel ways of acquiring, managing and delivering products, services, and solutions for improved efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability, and
    • the contemporary developments around networked, customer and value-focused, and digital platform-enabled value creation.

    The course content is divided into six themes and modules, focusing on the fundamentals of services economy, value creation by service, customer-centric service systems, scalable and efficiently implemented service solutions, networked value creation by digitalizing service ecosystems, and the institutional change of business beliefs, rules, and cooperative norms by service transformation.

    Each module spans two weeks. The theme of the module is explored from theoretical and practical viewpoints by classroom lectures and company cases. Learning assignments include pre-reading article reviews in groups, quizzes, learning diaries, and a course essay in groups.

    For most weeks, there is pre-assignment, usually pre-reading, which is reviewed and presented by one group of students and discussed by another group on the lecture 09:30 - 10:00, followed by content or case presentation from 10:00 to 12:00 (unless otherwise communicated).

    After the weekly lecture your learning is evaluated by a quiz, which is opened at 12:00, and closes at 18:00. Once started, the quiz is open for 20mins to complete.

    Please find the introduction material here (now updated to 2023 version!). 

    The module pages may contain links to the earlier versions of the lecture materials. We update these files as the course proceeds, and inform participants by email, when the materials are available.

    Course assignments

    • Pre-reading article review presentation: A presentation that reviews and summarises  the day's assigned pre-reading article in groups of 3-4 students (10% of the grade), relevant files prepared & submitted ahead of the lecture. See instructions on the "Article review group choice"
    • A discussion of a pre-reading article presentation: Each group performs and submits a peer-review of the article presentation. This includes submitting a file with prepared discussion points and takeaways and their discussion in class, on the lecture (10% of the grade). See instructions under (to do). 
    • QuizzesAn online questionnaire based on the day's online lecture content and materials. The quizzes determine 15% of the grade. Done individually. See instructions on the "Quiz" page.
    • Learning diaryA structured reflection of each module. 35% of the grade. One submission for each of the six modules. Done individually. See instructions on the "Learning diaries" page.
    • Course essayA group project to write an essay on a topic that spans the course content (30% of the grade). The essay group is the same as the article review and discussant group. See instructions on the "Course essay" page.