Preliminary quiz scores for MT2:
In the PDF underneath you'll find the MyCo-generated quiz points for the second midterm.
These are not official results. MyCo is extremely strict and scores the answers so that the correct answer gives 100% of the assignment points, and an incorrect one gives 0%. The submitted Excel files will be graded by humans, and partial points are awarded for calculations that got the wrong answer due to slight errors in formulas or references. More details about partial points can be found in the FAQ under Midterm II (pre info).
Q: So I will actually receive more points than the quiz implies?
A: Most likely yes.
Q: How much will the final score differ from the quiz score?
A: As a rule of thumb, if you attempted to calculate most of the questions and think that you did better than these results show, you almost certainly did. The more questions you have attempted to calculate in your Excel, the
more likely your final points are to be higher than the preliminary quiz
score. Similarly, the less points you have on the quiz, the more points
you can theoretically get from partially correct calculations.
Q: I made some corrections into my calculations, but forgot to update them into the quiz. Will I still receive the points for a right answer?
A: The midterms are graded according to your Excel submission, so as long as you got the right answer there, you'll receive the points.
Q: The quiz score is <5.00p and I'm concerned about passing. Will I pass?
A: Unless most of the higher point assignments were skipped or a big part of the answers were based on guesswork, it is generally not unusual for a result of 3.5p in the quiz to turn out as a passing grade in the official grading. It is also not unheard of for even a result of 0.00p in the quiz to end up as more than 5.0p, since incorrect answers may in some cases have been caused by mistyping starting values or just making small mistakes in every calculation. If you felt completely lost on a lot of the questions or skipped a lot of them though, it's probably a good idea to register for the retake on Sisu.
Q: I'm aiming for a high course grade, but the quiz score is barely a passing one or much lower than I thought it would be. Should I sign up for the retake?
A: As mentioned above, if you think the quiz score is low even though you were pretty certain on your answers, the result might be due to smaller mistakes in calculations and the quiz score is likely to differ from the final results. To optimize for a higher course grade, it might be a good idea to wait for the official midterm grades and make the decision on retaking later in the 24.2. retake exam. This way you'll know what course grade your current points would get you, will be able to calculate whether you can affect your grade with a retake, and will know how much higher you need to score in a retake to affect your course grade.