Topic outline

  • Schedule
    Date Place Content
    11 - Oct
    Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8Lab work on lean canvas, business model - I like, I wish workshop
    13 - Oct U8 - U270, KandidaattikeskusPresentation skills and pitching 
    Exam Week Exam Week Exam Week
    25 - Oct Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8 Presenting to teams and mid-review presentation 
    27 - Oct U8 - U270, Kandidaattikeskus Informal business 

    • Materials

    • Assignments

    • Assignment icon

      Fill out this process checklist with your answers

      You will need to revise your answers from the previous sprints (all the previous sprints starting from this sprint). The teaching team will go through your answers and address them during workshops and lab times on Tuesdays. We will track the progress of the team based on the answers and how it changes every sprint. 

    • Assignment icon

      Upload the second version of your prototype and the plan to test prototypes with your "customers"/"users". 

      These are the questions to guide you: 

      1. What is the Value Proposition of your current prototype? 
      2. What is your testing plan for this prototype? 
      3. What are you trying to learn and what have you learnt from previous prototypes?
      4. What insights have you learnt from the previous prototype? 
      5. Did you update your previous prototype or change it completely? And why did you make such changes and updates? 

      Name your file according to this format: team number_prototype v.02

    • Assignment icon

      Update the findings from your interviews and include your prototyping interviews. What are your insights and what have you learnt from the interviews? (Your team should be doing a lot of interviews to meet the minimum of 20 interviews) 

    • Assignment icon

      Upload your presentation slides to prepare for the mid-term pitching session here. 

      Instructions for the mid-term review: 

      5 minutes max and 5 minutes for feedback/questions 

      Clarify the following (not necessarily in this order) 

      • The problem or bright future 
      • A bit of background information and your insights 
      • Your value proposition!!!! 
      • How will you convince us that you can make this happen? 
      • What do you need in terms of money and types of investments? 
      • What is your next step or next activity? 

    • Assignment icon
      Previously you have filled in your "Problem", "Existing Alternatives", "Solution", "Unique Value Proposition" and "High-Level Concept". This time you will update your previous Lean Canvas according to the changes and new learnings you have gathered. 

      Start to fill in "Customer Segments", "Unfair Advantage", and "Revenue Streams". We want you to leave "Channels" and "Cost Structure" out or at least fill them in at the very last if you have started to figure out the rest. 

      Specify what is known and what are your assumptions. What are your riskiest assumptions? 

    • Assignment icon

      Watch these two videos: 

      The Unwelcome Party Guest – metaphor (4.20 min):  

      Passengers On A Bus (5 min)  

      As it was presented on the videos, our “unwanted guests” or “passengers” in our mind, can influence how we end up using our time. They can even prevent us from going towards what is important for us. When we face situations that require courage to try without having the certainty of the outcome, a bunch of uncomfortable feelings can try to stop us from taking the leap of fate. Take a look at the vicious cycle of avoidance.  

      Question for reflecting on your own:  

      One part of psychological flexibility is that “I accept that I have thoughts and feelings, I have a history and that there are things I can’t change. But I change what I can: my actions”. 

      Take a moment to reflect on your own what this could mean for you and your team.