TU-E4100 - Startup Experience D, Lecture, 7.9.2022-9.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 09.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: TU-E4100
Osion kuvaus
Schedule Date Place Description 29 - Nov Design Factory, Main Stage Workshop - lab time 1 - Dec 15:00 to 19:00 Maria 01 Final presentation - Demo Day Instructions and information on Demo Day - 1st Dec
The standard format of a Demo Day is pitch. You will have 3 minutes to pitch your idea to the jury. And we mean 3 minutes, no more. The jury will consist of 3 experts, external to the course and Aalto, who will have 6 minutes to give you feedback or ask questions
There are two pro tips that would help you a lot:- If a jury member asks you a question, give a super short and concise answer. If you ramble, there will not be time left for any more feedback and comments. Talk less, listen more.
- Make sure your pitch is not longer than 3 minutes, write down on a paper the text for your pitch. Read it slowly several times making sure it fits 3 minutes. Shorten it if needed. Writing the text down can also help you see if you can improve your vocab, use synonyms, or delete sentences or phrases that repeat themselves.
This is what your event space will look like. There will be a big screen wall behind you, and you will have a clicker and a timer.
Ok you’ve done it! The pitch and being roasted by investors are over, so it’s time to relax now, because every Demo Day ends with a mingle! We bring pizza and music, you bring good vibes and celebrate the end of the course with your teammates and teachers. Startup mingle is also a great place to network and create connections. Talk to other course mates, teachers and startup people from Maria 01 who join the mingle. You cannot know where these connections will take you!
Location for Demo Day
What can be a more perfect place for a Demo Day than the leading startup hub in the Nordics? Welcome to Maria 01, a home to dozens of Nordic VCs, Finnish Business Angel Network, and hundreds of startups and scaleups. Maybe it’ll be the home for your startup in the future. 😉
Maria 01 is in the heart of Helsinki at Lapinlahdenkatu 16. It’s a 5-minute walk from Kamppi Shopping Center, the central metro and bus station, and a 10-15 minute walk from the central railway station.
If you arrive before 15.00: You can access the Event Space from the main reception, just go one floor up.
If you arrive after 15.00: You can access the Event Space from Entrance B, Building 1 (Left of the main reception), using the door code 272727, and just go one floor up.
Startup Experience Demo Day will take place on the second floor, in the main building’s Event Space.
Schedule for Demo Day
Start time End time Activity 15:00 15:05 Opening 15:05 15:15 Intro to Maria 01 15:20 16:10 First group of pitches 16:10 16:20 Break 16.20 17:10 Second group of pitches 17:10 17:20 Startup Story 17:20 17:30 Closing words and transition 17:30 19:00 Mingle -
Instructions for the final presentation:
You choose the approach, but we expect to see most of the information from the Investor Pitch Deck, plus your own insights and thoughts about how you could continue AFTER the course, if some members of your team wanted to continue.
The focus is less on the financial aspect and asking for investment but rather on the idea, the concept and the business model to make it happen. We are not looking for investment during Demo Day but rather presentation of a potential startup with a good idea and a team behind it. A go-to-market plan or the plan for the project is also good to have.
Pitching order Order Time Team name and team number 1 15:20-15:29 Team 7 2 15:29-15:38 Team 11 3 15:38-15:47 Team 1 4 15:47-15:56 Team 2 5 15:56-16:05 Team 10 6 16:05-16:14 Team 8 16:14-16:20 BREAK 7 16:25-16.34 team 4 8 16:34-16:43 team 3 9 16:43-16:52 team 12 10 16:52-17:01 team 9 11 17:01-17:10 team 5 -
The timetable is attached below. The timetable is now fixed. So unless you have some urgent matters, please do not change your booking under short notice. The zoom links are also available accordingly.
Paul's zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/6111806461
Johannes' zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/63677259762
Teddy's zoom link: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/63301872642
This slide deck is in PDF format so it can be sent to judges. These slides will be sent to judges by Wednesday morning so make sure to meet the deadline.
Please upload your PowerPoint slides here before the rehearsal by 8am Tuesday 29.11
Label them correctly to this format: "(team number)-(team name)". For example: team 1-momento
All presentations during Demo Day and Rehearsal will be done via our computer so we will not plug in your devices during the event.
if your files are too big, please send them to Teddy via his email duy.tran@aalto.fi
Please upload your PowerPoint slides here by 9 pm Tuesday 29.11
Label them correctly to this format: "(team number)-(team name)". For example: team 1-momento
All presentations during Demo Day and Rehearsal will be done via our computer so we will not plug in your devices during the event.
if your files are too big, please send them to Teddy via his email duy.tran@aalto.fi