
  • Schedule
    Date Place  Content
    13 - Sep        
    Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8
    Workshop on topics 
    15 - Sep Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8 What is a startup? 
    20 - Sep Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8Prototyping: why and how
    22 - Sep U8 - U270, Kandidaattikeskus, Otakaari 1 Market disruption

    To-watch before the Thursday 15th September session. Check out the video about the introduction to "What is a Startup?" by Kalle Airo

    Also, another video that we think students of Startup Experience would find useful regarding the well-being of students and how to deal with anxiety. We did an interview with the psychologists who will be working closely with us and you all. 
    For Tuesday 20th Sep, please view this video beforehand. Simo will walk us through prototyping and we will discuss how and what to prototype for your project. 

    And Simo has another video introducing Design Factory, if you need to build something, DEFA has everything you would need.