TU-E4100 - Startup Experience D, Lecture, 7.9.2022-9.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2022 Search Courses: TU-E4100
Topic outline
Schedule Date Place Description 1 - Nov Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8 Prototyping discussion 3 - Nov U8 - U270, Kandidaattikeskus Market estimation 8 - Nov Learning Hub Atrium - 1007a, Maarintie 8 TBU 10 - Nov U8 - U270, Kandidaattikeskus How to apply intuition -
- X, by Google - https://x.company/moonshot/ - There are interesting parallels on the moonshot thinking by Google and Radical Creativity.
- The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure, TED - https://www.ted.com/talks/astro_teller_the_unexpected_benefit_of_celebrating_failure?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare – If students don’t want to read about X, they can watch this video.
Something from within Aalto would also be good to share:
- Radical Creativity page: https://www.aalto.fi/en/our-strategy/radical-creativity
- Radical Creativity as a culture, talk by Dean Tuomas Auvinen: https://www.aalto.fi/en/news/tuomas-auvinen-radical-creativity-as-culture
-Design Plus + https://designfactory.aalto.fi/design-plus/ This is a great book about design thinking edited by Tua Björklund (DF).
A) Product-market fit by reading an excellent blog post by a16z: https://a16z.com/2017/02/18/12-things-about-product-market-fit/ (you can also find plenty of definitions and more good reads online)B) Why large target market matters by reading Linus blog post about VC math: https://medium.com/swlh/one-reason-you-re-not-being-funded-vc-math-explained-73d87d35a383C) Basics of market sizing Total Available Market (also Addressable). Key take-away: Top-down market estimation from aggregate market data is "worse than useless":
You will need to revise your answers from the previous sprints (all the previous sprints starting from this sprint). The teaching team will go through your answers and address them during workshops and lab times on Tuesdays. We will track the progress of the team based on the answers and how it changes every sprint.
You are expected to have shown your customers / users the prototype and collect feedback on what values you are providing. Your interactions with customers should focus on what service you are offering instead of asking for feedback on UI and features.
Your deliverables are:
- One-page answering these questions- what insights have you learnt from previous prototypes and interactions with customers with said prototypes?
- what changes have you made to your prototypes based on feedback and interactions?
- Your prototype at this stage: should be able to explain what you offer to customers and not just texts like previous submissions. (it can be brochures, landing page, pictures of your physical prototypes, a video advertising your service) You can send us links if you have something that cannot be attached down here.
Calculate your market size using either top-down or bottom-up methodology.
Provide a market size calculation spreadsheet with sources for initial data points and showing how you calculated it. If you cannot find the data, estimate and explain why you think your numbers are correct.
Note: this is a fairly simple exercise and should be used as a supporting tool when you work on your project. Name your submission as team no._market size exercise -
Record a 3-min video reflecting on your progress during this sprint. Use these questions as guidelines.
- What are your main contribution to the project and the team during sprint 5? ie. Prototyping and testing, Lean Canvas, Financials forecasts etc.
- What did you do for the team to work better together?
- How did you use the course content to understand the problem, and customer needs and improve your team dynamics?
- What can be improved regarding your contribution to the team and the project's progress? Reflect on your progress and performance.
During this course, you have been learning about different aspects of psychological flexibility. Take a moment to reflect on your journey and especially your wellbeing-sector. Take a look at your notes, as well. You can refresh your memory about these themes by watching again this video:
Question for reflecting on your own:
Which parts of psychological flexibility have you and your team found most relevant and useful for your process? Why?