Topic outline

    • Readings for Lecture 1: What Is Philosophy?

    • File icon
      Plato: The Apology of Socrates File PDF

      The classic Plato essay on the apology of Socrates. The essay is a great primer to the basic ideas of practicing philosophical thought.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: Plato: The Apology of Socrates Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Slides and Literature for Lectures 1 & 2

    • File icon
      Lecture 1 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 2 – Slides File PDF
    • File icon
      Lecture 1 & 2 – Literature File RTF
    • Readings for Lecture 3

    • File icon
      Jonathan Evans: In two minds: dual-processing accounts of reasoning File PDF

      A great introduction to the dual processing theories of cognition by one of the leading theorists in the field.

    • File icon
      Andy Clark & David Chalmers: The Extended Mind File PDF

      One of the more debated and contested arguments in the philosophy of the mind by two prominent present day philosophers.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-reading Reflection: Jonathan Evans: In two minds: dual-processing accounts of reasoning AND Andy Clark & David Chalmers: The Extended Mind Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Readings for Lecture 4

    • File icon
      Ludwig Wittgenstein: Tractatus logico-philosophicus 5.6–7 File PDF

      Younger Wittgenstein's main work on language, logic and how to practice philosophy.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-reading Reflection: Ludwig Wittgenstein: Tractatus logico-philosophicus 5.6–7 Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 3 & 4

    • File icon
      Lecture 3 – Literature File RTF
    • File icon
      Lecture 3 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 4 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 4 – Literature File RTF
    • Readings for Lectures 5 & 6

    • File icon
      Lewis - A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori File PDF

      A ground-shaking paper from the lesser known Harvard pragmatist C.I. Lewis.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: Lewis - A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • File icon
      James - Pragmatism (ch. 2) File PDF

      One of the "big three" in American pragmatism, William James outlines here the cornerstones of the philosophical school of thought.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: James - Pragmatism (ch.2) Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • File icon
      (optional) Kant - Prolegomena (in part) File PDF

      Kant's preamble to his main work, Critique of Pure Reason, the latter which single-handedly redefined the Western tradition of philosophical thinking.

    • File icon
      (optional) Aristotle: Categories File PDF

      Aristotle's classic text that is the foundation of much of later epistemological and metaphysical thinking.

    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 5

    • File icon
      Lecture 5 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 5 – Literature File RTF
    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 6

    • File icon
      Lecture 6 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 6 – Literature File RTF
    • Readings for Lecture 7: Question everything?

    • File icon
      Davidson – On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme File PDF

      Donald Davidson's insightful paper challenging some of the ideas concerning conceptual schemes and introducing his important principle of charity.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection (for Wed): Davidson - On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • File icon
      Kuhn – The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (ch. 1) File PDF

      First chapter of Thomas Kuhn's classic and groundbreaking analysis of scientific progress.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection (for Fri): Kuhn – The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (ch. 1) Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • File icon
      (optional) Doyle – Copper Beeches File PDF

      A classic Sherlock Holmes short story. Holmes is a great archetype of the scientific method in how he employs logic and empirical evidence to draw very powerful inferences.

    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 7

    • File icon
      Lecture 7 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 7 – Literature File RTF
    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 8

    • File icon
      Lecture 8 – Slides File PDF
    • File icon
      Lecture 8 – Literature File RTF
    • Readings for Lecture 9

    • File icon
      Hannah Arendt: Eichmann in Jerusalem (Epilogue) File PDF

      The epilogue to Arendt's famous work, subtitled "A Report on the Banality of Evil", discussing morality, ethics and law.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection (for Wed): Hannah Arendt: Eichmann in Jerusalem (Epilogue) Quiz

      Exception: Please finish this reflection before the lecture on 5.10.2022 to participate in the lecture discussions. 

    • File icon
      (optional) Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, Book II File PDF

      The second chapter from Aristotle's classic work on ethics where he defines virtue.

    • Readings for Lecture 10

    • File icon
      John Dewey – Art as Experience (ch. 1) File PDF

      The first chapter of Dewey's seminal pragmatic approach to art and aesthetics.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection (for Fri): John Dewey – Art as Experience (ch. 1) Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • File icon
      (optional) Aristotle – Poetics (I–XI) File PDF

      The beginning of Aristotle's classic work on poetics.

    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 9

    • File icon
      Lecture 9 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 9 – Literature File RTF
    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 10

    • File icon
      Lecture 10 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lecture 10 – Literature File RTF
    • Readings for Lecture 11

    • File icon
      Brickman, Coates & Janoff-Bulman - Lottery Winners and Accident Victims - Is Happiness Relative? File

      An intriguing and often-cited study on the effect of strong positive or negative life events on happiness.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: Brickman et al. Is Happiness Relative? Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Readings for Lecture 12

    • File icon
      Niemiec, Ryan & Deci 2008 File PDF

      An important empirical research on the connection of well-being to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, with some quite ground-shaking results.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: Niemiec, Ryan & Deci 2008 Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Slides for Lecture 11

    • File icon
      Lecture 11 – Slides File
    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 12

    • File icon
      Lecture 12 – Slides File
    • File icon
      Lectures 11 & 12 – Literature File RTF
    • File icon
      Value Exploration Exercise File PDF
    • Readings for Lecture 13

    • File icon
      Heskett et al. – Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work File PDF

      An insightful piece on the relationship between well-being and productivity.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: Heskett et al. (for the 26.10. session) Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Slides and Literature for Lecture 13

    • File icon
      Lecture 13 – Slides File PDF
    • File icon
      Lecture 13 – Literature File RTF
    • Readings for Lecture 14

    • File icon
      Suzuki – Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (in part) File PDF

      An excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki's seminal book on zen.

    • Quiz icon
      Pre-Reading Reflection: Suzuki (for the 4.11. session) Quiz

      Recommend completing this reflection before the lecture. 

    • Slides & Literature for Lecture 14

    • File icon
      Lecture 14 – Slides File PDF
    • File icon
      Lecture 14 – Literature File RTF