Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (SMOTI) -course next spring! Course will be organised in academic periods III and IV between Jan 9 and Apr 3, 2023.

    Lectures are held on Mondays 14:15-16 at AS1 hall. First lecture is on January 9th.

    The course is undergoing some smallish changes this year and we hope that the content will be even more exciting than it has been before. There will be interesting visiting lecturers and case studies. On the other hand, course will demand a serious study effort; reading articles, working on cases, and writing essays. On the upside, you will learn a lot in a continuously timely and relevant topic of strategic management of technology and innovation. 

    Please see the more detailed content about the course inside the modules 1-4 (menu on the left).

    Some exciting topics covered in the course include:

    • Technology: digital, ML&AI, quantum computing, ...
    • Innovation: disruptive innovation, open innovation, co-creation, open-source, ...
    • Management: platform economy, organizing R&D, societal perspective, ...

    Course can be done by either completing the home exercises for each of the four modules (every three weeks) or taking the exam.

    For any questions about the course, please use the discussion board below, or if you have a personal question, be in touch with the course teachers Kimmo Karhu or Andrey Indukaev (firstname.lastname@aalto.fi)

    Welcome to the course!

    Kimmo and Andrey

    • Keskustelualue icon

      This is an open discussion forum to discuss any topics related to the course. If you have any generic (non-personal) question regarding the course, please post it to the discussion forum instead of sending email to course staff. If you have a personal question, please always send email to course staff.

      Using the discussion forum has several benefits:

      • either of the teachers can react to your question
      • any of your fellow students can also answer the question
      • your question and answer is visible to all other students who might be wondering the same question

      We look forward to active discussion and participation on the course!

      Kimmo and Andrey