
    • Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)
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      Individual Assignment_Part 1 Inlämningsuppgift
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Please go to Perusall | Increase student engagement, participation, and collaboration and annotate the article by Walters and Hershfield (2020). 

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      Individual Assignment_Part 2 Inlämningsuppgift
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Please go to Perusall | Increase student engagement, participation, and collaboration and annotate the article by Madden et al. (1992). 

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      Individual Assignment_Part 3 Inlämningsuppgift
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Please go to Perusall | Increase student engagement, participation, and collaboration and annotate the article by Kitchen et al. (2014). 

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      Group Assignment - Presentation Inlämningsuppgift
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Submission of Presentation

      Only relevant to student groups who chose the presentation option as group deliverable! 

      There is no recommendation on how many slides you should have, but you should not speak for more than 15 minutes. You may want to follow structure similar to the agency report, but other structures are good too – as long as they are clear. For the actual presentation, it is fine to have only the relevant text/bullet points on the slides. Nonetheless, you should also hand in a more extended pdf version of your presentation slides by March 28. In this pdf version, you should include in-text citations, any additional info that you find relevant on the slides, an agenda, a reference list, an appendix. You can freely decide how many group members will do the presentation on the video tape. Regardless of whether you will choose to let all or only one group member present, for instance, the work will be considered a group effort and graded as such. Please remember that all group members must be present for the slot on March 29 or April 5.

       As a group, please submit:

      ·         an extended pdf version of your ppt (incl. in-text citations, agenda, reference list, interview form and any additional material included as Appendix)

      ·         Audio files of the interviews you conducted

      For a detailed description, please view the Instructions on the Group Assignment. 

      To select a slot for the presentation, please visit https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e36mgKRd . Please note that the order of the presentations will be selected at random. A maximum of six groups can present per day (March 29 or April 5). In case all six slots have already been selected by other groups, you would have to give the presentation on the other day. Please make sure that only one group member signs up the entire team in Doodle! Thank you :-)

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      Group Assignment - Agency Report Inlämningsuppgift
      Tillgänglig om: Du tillhör gruppen L01 (SISU)

      Submission of Agency Report

      Only relevant to student groups who chose the report option as group deliverable! 

      You should write between 12-15pages, pdf format, 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, using an academic writing style. Start by briefly describing the project background, i.e. the well-being product or service that you are focusing on, the company, and any additional relevant information that you deem relevant for the reader to know. Make sure that you describe the problem statement in detail. In the Literature Review section, you should define and explain any (theoretical) concepts relevant to your research. Next, you may want to include a Methodology section in which you describe the data collection method, the data, the results of your data analysis and a Discussion. Please then add a section in which you provide implications to the firm offering the well-being product or service on how to improve their marketing activities, business model, etc.. Finally, provide some short, concluding remarks. The agency report must be submitted by April 5 via MyCourses.

      As a group, please submit in MyCourses:

      ·         The final report (incl. table of contents, reference list, interview form and any additional material included as Appendix) as pdf

      ·         Audio files of the interviews you conducted