Osion kuvaus

  • Master's Thesis Seminar – All Groups


    Intro lectures in Spring 2023 will be:

    • Lecture 1 (Intro): 15:15-17:00 on Jan 18th (Wed) (ZOOM)
    • Lecture 2 (Quan): 15:15-17:00 on Jan 25th (Wed) (ZOOM)
    • Lecture 3 (Quali): 15:15-17:00 on Feb 1st (Wed) (ZOOM)

    introductory lectures are organised in Autumn and Spring semesters.  

    After these sessions, the seminar groups will meet as scheduled in each groups' section - if there are enough presenters (2) to form a session. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic situation, this course arranged at least in the beginning remotely and changes in teaching time and location may occur. We will inform of these changes via Announcements, which will send you an e-mail to your aalto.fi -mail in the case of new announcement. Please enroll yourself in this course page to get access to seminar group sections and to receive Announcements! You can ask various questions in the General discussion forum, which will be answered by the assistant.