Topic outline

  • This is the section for BA students in Merja Halme's seminar group. The sessions of this group are held on Tuesdays. Please note, that the list below takes precedence over the listing in Sisu.

    Please note that the following schedule is a general rule, the session may be canceled for some reasons without announcement. 

    Please check session booking for the exact session day/time.

    BA group's schedule for seminars in Spring 2023: 

    • 13:15 - 15:00, every Tue except exam weeks. (NOTE: session will be canceled if there is no reservation)
    • 9:15 - 11:00, every Tue in June. (before the midsummer holiday)

    The seminars will be organized on Zoom, a hybrid model is possible in the future depending on the covid situation.

    Instructions for reserving a presentation slot

    • You must have your supervisor's permission before you reserve a presentation slot!
    • Slots are opened for reservation one month beforehand i.e. March's seminars become available in February etc.
    • Presentations are mainly done in the group you belong to i.e. ISS, BA or Logistics.
    • “Presentation booking” --> on the right, click on “Book slot” and follow the instructions (only staff can see your answers)
    • Because of time constraints, one seminar can hold max 3 thesis presentations and 4 presentations altogether. In the case of 4 thesis presentation bookings, the course assistant will move the last submitted presentation into later seminar.


    Reserving a discussant slot

    • Reserving a discussant time is the students’ responsibility
    • You mainly act as an discussant for the group you belong to i.e. ISS, BA or Logistics.
    • Upcoming presentations will be listed in the seminar’s MyCourses at forums “Submitting ISS/Logistics/BA research plan/thesis” under each group. 
    • Discussant times are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis i.e. first one to comment under the presentation announcement is the discussant. Typically one discussant per presentation is accepted.
    • There is no formal message you have to write but something along the lines “I will act as a discussant” will do.
    • You can download the thesis/research plan from the first post.
    • Please review Discussant Guidelines
    • Note that your comment about acting as a discussant is binding.

    • Forum icon
      Submitting BA research plan/thesis Forum

      Submit your research plan/thesis here 8 days prior your presentation.

      Instructions for submitting a thesis/research plan for presentation

      Add new discussion topic with following details:
        • Subject: date + seminar group + research plan/thesis + Topic of your thesis
        • e.g. “9.10. ISS – Thesis: *example topic*” 
        • Attachment: your thesis or research plan document. 

      • Note: 
      1. If your research has already progressed farther than being a plan (you've already put some work on it), do not restrict your self with the plan template. Please, make sure that the "plan" reflects the actual current status of your research. Also, email your presentation slides to the opponent beforehand in a case where the presentation contains more information than the written plan.  
      2. Please have an 'abstract' section in your final thesis when you submit it in the forum, it is much easier for seminar teacher, your discussant and audiences to have a quick grasp from thick thesis report.