Osion kuvaus

  • Yleinen

    Welcome to the course! The detailed syllabus including the day-to-day schedule of classes and assignments is provided below. Please go through the syllabus in detail, particularly the table with the schedule in the end. Other materials and readings and detailed assignment instructions will be updated by the start of the course on Mycourses.

    The course is primarily held on campus, but depending on the nature of the class, either zoom participation or recording afterwards are available. 4 of the lectures are provided as sets of short pre-recorded videos followed by a quiz. For details, please see the syllabus.

    In the meanwhile, you can contact me at katri.kauppi@aalto.fi if you have questions about the course.

    Hope to see many of you on the course!


    • Tiedosto icon

      This syllabus contains all the details of the course schedule, materials and completion. Please read the syllabus carefully so you understand the logic and structure of the course, as well as the deadlines of assignments and how the course delivery is set up (lectures on campus plus video recordings and some hybrid sessions)

      Please note that as 1 guest lecture is pending confirmation, small changes to schedule are still possible.

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: You are a(n) Opiskelija
      Ryhmävalinta icon
      Groups for assignments Ryhmävalinta

      Three assignments on this course are group assignments: Case A&W Canada, Case Hewlett Packard and Analysis of a company sustainability report. These are done in groups of 4 students. You should enrol to a group of your choice here latest by midnight on the 12th of September. All group members must be enrolled here before any groupwork is submitted via mycourses.

      Students can self-select their group. To help find group members you can either:

      • Come to the first to classes on campus to find group members
      • Use the General Discussion Forum to find group members
      • Enrol to one of the groups with less than 4 members and wait for others to join