Osion kuvaus

  • The course assignment consists of parts that are related to the lectures. The students are expected to form groups of 4-5 students that do the project. The topic of the exercise is NFT solutions for museums.

    The Zoom link for all sessions is the same as for lectures and is found clicking here.

    If you have your own possible consulting task to study and can form a team around it, that is also possible.

    If you have significant experience project experience that you would like to share with others, you can present this experience instead of the course assignment. Contact Matti Rossi for details.

    There are three return boxes below the topics here, one for team formation, one for project plan and one for final report. 






    Thu 27.10. (10 -12) 

    Introduction to case exercise and team formation.


    Thu 3.11. (10 -12)

    Students do the exercises independently.

    Tejas Kotha gives a hybrid lecture on examples of NFTs in museums. The lecture takes place in Zoom and also at the 3rd floor room V301 BIZ Lounge & Terrace at Ekonominaukio 1.


    Thu 10.11. (10-12) 

    Case exercise checkpoint. This session is Zoom only.

    If you have returned the plan and/or know how to get it done by the deadline you can consider this checkpoint met. If you have questions or issues, join us tomorrow. 


    Thu 17.11. (10-12) 

    Students do the exercises independently.


    Thu 24.11. (10-12)

    Status check for projects. If you are confident that you know what you are doing, this is optional, but it is good to come and check where you are.


    Thu 1.12. (10:00-13:30) 

    Case presentations.


    Fri   2.12. (23:59)

    Final report delivery.

    Returning the assignment

    The team assignments will be returned as one document, or one document and one presentation (which includes the case report ) on  December  2nd at 23:59. See report instructions for further details.

    Shared storage

    If you need shared storage space for the project data, the easiest is to share a OneDrive folder and you can get Aalto OneDrive instructions here.

    If you have DrobBox or similar, you can use that also for data sharing.

    Return boxes

    • Tehtävä icon
    • Tehtävä icon
    • Tehtävä icon

      OBS! It is enough for one group member to submit the report.

      Remember to include all the names and student numbers of the team members in your report.

      In case of uncertainty, remember to first check the report instructions -document.

      You can mark this activity completed by manually ticking the box next to the title.

      Instructions for the parts of the report can be downloaded here.

    • Templates

    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään H01 (SISU)
      Tiedosto icon
      Case Description Tiedosto DOCX
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään H01 (SISU)
      Tiedosto icon
      Exercise Reporting Instructions Tiedosto DOCX
    • Saatavilla vasta, kun: Kuulut ryhmään H01 (SISU)
      Tiedosto icon
      Simple charter example Tiedosto DOC