
  • Simulation course teaching, fall semester 2022

    The course will be given on campus.  Please follow the instructions on weekly bases as they appear on the web page.

    A Background questionnaire and a Pretest can be found in the Quizzes section.

    Please start by filling in the Background questionnaire of the course. After that you can do the Pretest that is testing that you have the required background knowledge in Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Theory. You should complete and pass the test during the first week of classes, i.e. by Friday Sept. 9., 10 am. You can try the test as many times as you wish.

    The Pretest is an important thing to do before (or in the beginning of) the course from both the student's and teacher's point of view since it tests and gives information on the mathematical and statistical background that is needed to successfully study the course materials and do the homework assignments and the final exam. If you do not have the required background knowledge before the course you will not have time to acquire that knowledge during the course, since the course itself is demanding. The test also gives you a chance to review your math and stat skills, and you will save time later in the course. You will also see where you may need to improve and need more review.

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