Osion kuvaus

  • Please note that each review is a two-page report. This means that if the reading package for a given lecture has more than one article, the page limit for the report is still two pages. Alternatively put, it is two pages/report, not two pages/article.

    Accepted file types: .doc, .docx, .pdf;

    Grading rubric for the article reviews

    Grade 0 = No content or nonsensical content.

    Grade 1 = The writer misunderstands or misinterprets the article(s). Nevertheless, the review shows that the writer at least has read the article(s).

    Grade 2 = The report shows superficial analyses. For instance, the writer just simply summarizes the article(s).

    Grade 3 = The report shows sufficient analyses and the writer’s own critical thinking.

    Grade 4 = The report illustrates solid analysis of the article, critical thinking, and  writer references materials from the course

    Grade 5 = The report exemplifies excellent rigorous analytical skills, critical thinking, references previous literature, lecture materials, and applicable personal experiences in the review.