CS-A1113 - Basics in Programming Y1, Lecture, 6.9.2022-16.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 16.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: CS-A1113
Osion kuvaus
The Slack workspace is the course's official channel for discussion and questions. You can ask questions there at any time, and our course staff will answer once they are available. We also encourage you to help your peers, as long as you don’t give away answers to exercises directly. Let’s give everyone room to learn on their own!
Join the Slack workspace here: https://join.slack.com/t/aalto-0yk9748/shared_invite/zt-1fthgn2dc-8W0IsVWDxsF5Od~KVrr32w
When asking questions on Slack (or in an Exercise Session), make sure to formulate your question in a clear and concise way. Do not just ask: "Why does it not work?". Try to figure out which part does not work and describe what you already tried before contacting others. See the section Asking for help for further guidance on asking useful questions.
When asking for advice regarding your code on Slack, do not attach your own code (more than one or two lines) with the question, because then all the other students will see your answer. Use the A+ Code Vault instead. With the Code Vault, you can send a link to your code so that only the course staff can see it. Simply copy-and-paste your code into the Code Vault and add the resulting link to your question. Here is a quick video on how to use the A+ Code Vault: