Osion kuvaus

  • This is us!

    You can contact us in several ways:

    • We maintain a Slack workspace, where you can post questions and comments for the entire group. Whenever possible, please use Slack instead of emailing course staff. We also ask that you avoid asking questions about the Exercises or general course content via direct message – please post these to the respective channel, so that anybody can answer.
    • We host Exercise Sessions three times a week (Tuesdays at 16:15, Wednesdays at 8:15, and Wednesdays at 16:15), where you can get one-on-one help with the weekly Exercises. 
    • We hold weekly Lectures, during which you can ask questions relevant to the topic at hand. 

    If you have important/personal questions regarding your course participation (or if you are unable to get Slack working), you can contact Timo Kiravuo or NN via email (firstname.lastname@aalto.fi).