ELEC-E8745 - Design of electronic devices and systems, Lecture, 11.9.2022-4.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 04.12.2022 Search Courses: ELEC-E8745
This is a web-course. It contains key topics of electronic equipment and systems, discusses boundary conditions met during design and suggests means to improve the level of design and implementation. Prototype devices and conditions encountered in their design are highlighted. Guidance is given for selecting modules in OEM production. Also computer-assisted design methods are briefly treated. The concept of critical components will be defined. Finally, detailed notes are given for planning and implementation of measurement and test arrangements.
The course is completed by preforming a virtual design exercise based on the web lectures and supporting text books. The grading will be based on a written document, as pdf, describing all design and manufacturing details of a small electronic device for the student’s own use. Evaluation criteria are: technical correctness, mechanical design w.r.t. manufacturing, necessary electronic dimensioning calculations. Software, when applicable, shall be described only as a flowchart.