MNGT-E2014 - Data Analytics for Managers, Lecture, 24.10.2022-2.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 02.12.2022 Search Courses: MNGT-E2014
Articles and other readings assigned for modules
(scroll through – no need to learn these by heart)
Module 1:
Delen, D., & Ram, S. (2018). Research challenges and opportunities in business analytics. Journal of Business Analytics, 1(1), 2-12.
Hansen, H. K., & Mühlen-Schulte, A. (2012). The power of numbers in global governance. Journal of International Relations and Development, 15(4), 455-465.
Martinez, L. R. (2022). How Much Should We Trust the Dictator’s GDP Growth Estimates?. Journal of Political Economy, 130(10), 000-000. (Read pages 1-5 only)
Richards, N. M., & King, J. H. (2014). Big data ethics. Wake Forest L. Rev., 49, 393.
Saltz, J. S., & Dewar, N. (2019). Data science ethical considerations: a systematic literature review and proposed project framework. Ethics and Information Technology, 21(3), 197-208.
Module 2:
Below is a set of articles that describe how optimisation methods have been applied in real-life situations. Reading these will help understand the potential of the techniques and the practicality and biggest challenges in applying them. Reading one or two will already give most benefits and you can choose the ones that sound more interesting to you. However, the first one is perhaps to most straight forward and is thus recommended as a starting point. When reading for this course, it will be much more useful to focus on the general ideas than trying to remember details.
Mandatory article:"Strategic Planning of BMW’s Global Production Network" (full text inside Aalto network)
Optional articles:
"Production and Distribution Planning in Danone Waters China Division " (full text inside Aalto network)
"Selecting infrastructure maintenance projects with Robust Portfolio Modeling" (full text inside Aalto network)
"Kroger Uses Simulation-Optimization to Improve Pharmacy Inventory Management" (full text inside Aalto network)
"Optimizing Chevron’s Refineries" (full text inside Aalto network)
"Blending OR/MS, Judgment, and GIS: Restructuring P&G's Supply Chain" (full text inside Aalto network)
Blending OR/MS, Judgment, and GIS: Restructuring P&G's Supply Chain | Interfaces (
"Improving Supply-Chain-Reconfiguration Decisions at IBM" (full text inside Aalto network)
"Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company Optimizes Infrastructure Project-Portfolio Selection" (full text inside Aalto network)