ABL-E2600 - Financial Law, Lecture, 11.1.2023-20.2.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 20.02.2023 Etsi kursseja: ABL-E2600
Osion kuvaus
Lecture 1 Tiedosto PPTX
Role of regulation in the markets
Lecture 1a Tiedosto PPTX
Links to regulation
Lecture 2 Tiedosto PPTX
Sustainable finance
Lecture 3 Tiedosto PPTX
PSD II disruption in banking
Fintech: blockchain and smart contracts
Use of technology in financial markets
Fintech solutions:
securites markets, investment service companies, banking, crowd funding etc.
Lecture 4 Tiedosto PPTX
Financial Service Companies:
General Regulation
Financial Products
Lecture 5 Tiedosto PPTX
Regulation of Investmemt Firms: Client relationships
Trading venues
Lecture 5a Tiedosto PPTX
Disclosure Obligations:
The structure of Regulation
Prospectus Duty
Regular Disclosure Obligation
Lecture 6 Tiedosto PPTX
Ongoing Disclosure Obligation
Insider Rules and Market Abuse
Other Disclosure Obligations
Lecture 7 Tiedosto PPTX
Insider Regulation, Ongoing Disclosure Obligation and Secrecy
Information as Property -
Lecture 8 Tiedosto PPTX
Public bids and mandatory bids
Lecture 9 Tiedosto PPTX
Lecture 9
The Legal Protection of the Investor :
Administrative and Civil Law Sanctions
Lecture 9a Tiedosto PPTX
Damages in the securities markets
Lecture 10 Tiedosto PPTX•The Investor as a Market Actor•Behavioral Law and Economics•The Duties of an Investor