
  • The textbook used during the course is Mohan, Undeland, Robbins: Power Electroncis, Converters, Applications and Design, Wiley&Sons, 3. edition. The course includes Chapters 1, 7, 9, 10, 11, some parts of 5, 18 and 30. 

    Unfortunately there is no electric version available but Aalto library has quite many printed copies.  Also earlier version of the book can be used but then chapter numbers are a bit different and text regarding magnetic components in Chapter 30 is bit shorter.

    Finnish students can also read pdf-version of the material of the previous version of this course.  The above mentioned content from Mohan, Undeland and Robbins is corresponding well to the finnish text.  It is available in MyCourses too but protected by a password. It will be sent to enrolled students.

    During the lectures I am also using some animations to demonstrate the operation of the converters. They can be found behind this link  Course: iPES (ethz.ch)  and especially the first part DC/DC Converter Basic topologies relates to the course.  Also Resonant Converters  section could be useful.