Topic outline

  • We have two graded assignments in this course. The Matlab and Simulink software is needed to complete these assignments. You can install this software on your own computer (cf. the instructions below). Alternatively, you may use computer classrooms on the campus.

    Two instruction sessions per assignment will be held. You may attend as many sessions as you will.

    General guidelines for the assignments are:

    • The assignments are to be completed in groups of two (recommended) or alone.
    • Both students of the group should contribute all parts of the assignment. Both students of the group should submit their common reports individually. Remember to include your full names and student numbers in your report.
    • You are encouraged to discuss the assignments in general terms with other groups but copying solutions from other groups is not allowed!
    • Reports should be clearly and consistently written.
    • Assignment icon

      This assignment deals with selection of components (an electric traction motor and a power converter) for an all-electric vehicle powertrain. Instruction sessions will be held on 28.9.2022 and 12.10.2022 at 10:15-12:00. Submit your report as a pdf file (and the requested Matlab scripts) no later than on 19.10.2022 at 16:00. The assignment will be graded on a scale of 0-10 points (10% of the total available points).


      Edit: The deadline postponed until 23.10.2022 at 16:00

    • Not available unless: Your Email address ends with
      Folder icon
      Assignment 1: Supporting files Folder

      This folder includes the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) profile as a Matlab file (NEDC.mat) as well as motor and converter data sheets (pdf files).

    • Assignment icon

      Update: the new deadline is 27.11.2022 at 16:00

      A simulation model of a DC motor drive will be built using MATLAB/Simulink. This assignment aims to familiarise you with basic features of Simulink and to demonstrate modelling approaches applicable to electric drives. Instruction sessions will be held on 2.11.2022 and 16.11.2022 at 10:15-12:00. Submit your report as a pdf file (and the requested Simulink models) no later than on 27.11.2022 at 16:00. The assignment will be graded on a scale of 0-20 points (20% of the total available points).