Osion kuvaus

    • Kansio icon

      The first lecture: Slides and video recording.  The first lecture is available as recording only.  (No lecture on Friday 9.9 in classroom).  Later, all lectures and exercise hours are in classroom, and no recordings are available.

      - Introduction to the course

      -the Z-transformation

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Quiz 1 opens on Thursday, 8th of September at 14:15 and closes on Friday, 9th of September at 14:15.  It is related to the first lecture, which is available on-line.  Please remember that the later lectures are in classroom, and no lecture recordings will then be available.

    • Kansio icon

      - Discrete time systems 

      - Exact discretization, Zero -Order Hold

      - Pulse transfer function

      - Poles and zeros of discrete time systems


    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      The Quiz opens on Thursday 15.9 at 14:15 and closes on Friday 16.9 at 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

      Chapter 2 continues

      - Pulse transfer function

      - Poles and zeros, mapping of poles in discretization, sampling

      Chapter 3

      - Analysis of discrete-time systems

      -Stability, Jury's stability test

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Opens 22.9 at 14:15, closes 23.9 at 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

       Chapter 3 continues:

      - Analysis of discrete-time systems

      - Stability

      - Jury's stability test

      - Stability analysis in frequency domain

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Opens on Thursday, September 29th at 14:15.  Closes on Friday, September 30th at 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

      Chap 3 continues:

      - Analysis of discrete time systems: Controllability and Observability

      Chapter 4:

      - Pole placement by state-space methods

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Opens on Thursday, 6th of October at 14:15.  Closes on Friday, 7th of October at 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

      Chapter 4, published in previous lecture

      - Pole placement by state-space methods:

      - State feedback controller

      - Dead-beat control

      - State observer

      -Combination of state feedback and observer

      -Adding integrator in the control loop


    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Opens 13.10 at 14:15.  Closes on Friday, 14.10, at 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

      Discretization methods for continuous space systems

      • Approximation of derivative and integral by forward and backward differences
      • Tustin's method
      • Matching of impulse and step responses

      + course arrangements for the second half, recap of sampling

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Opens 3.11. 8:00. Closes 4.11. 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

      Discrete time PID control

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Based on lecture 8. Opens Thu Nov 10 at 8:00am.

    • Kansio icon

      Optimal control in state-space

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Based on Lecture 10.
      Opens: 24.11 at 14:15.
      Closes: 25.11 at 14:15.

    • Kansio icon

      Introduction to Stochastic Optimal Control

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon

      Based on Lecture 11.
      Opens: 01.12 at 14:15.
      Closes: 02.12 at 14:15.